Pars Rubber



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Pars Rubber Co. History
Organized way from 1968 and gradually increased.Pars Rubber Co. as a pioneer of this new industrial movement was established in 1950 under outstanding leader ship of it's chairman Mr. Mehdi Khabazian and began to produce fine articles with household usage.
Today, Pars Rubber Co. has drawing and production of all kinds of Rubber articles , Molded Rubber-to-metal Bonded, and spongy products such as O-ring, U-ring, Packing, Coupling, Oil seals etc. Our company has used special compounds of resistant to tensile, heat, oils, gasoline, acids, abrasion, and coldness elastomers and has completely modern and developed equipment of production output, storage, quality control lab, and expand series of normal and (CNC ) made moulds about 60,000 and expand facilities of mold making and turning . Having experienced and specialist employees and using developed CAD/CAM system in all of production process and annual production capacity of about 500 tons , Pars Rubber Co. is known as one of the most complete and up-to-date rubber companies in Iran industrials.