Sale and Order
Pars Rubber



Mould Making

Sales And Order

Our Laboratory

Quality Contol


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Production Line

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You can contact us through this addresses :

The Sale & order is the first , and after Production unit the most important unit in our company . It connect our customer to production line and other units . Any new order must be analyzed to understand a few factor such as product possibility ,expenditure estimate and articles description . Studying achieved tel. Fax , mail , or verbal orders , the Sale & Orders unit estimates expenditure and proclaims to customer .
In this unit each customer has a file in which his precedent stored .
Or these Telephone Numbers :
(+98) (311) 3366882, 3365637, 3366873, 3367669, 3369123, 3365687,
And (312) 5826016, 5826178

YOU can contact us through this E-mail address